It’s full speed ahead for the Emery Village BIA in 2024 , another exciting year of progress
By Sean Delaney
On Wednesday, January 10th, the Emery Village BIA held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) once again for its members via an online Zoom format.
BIA Executive Director Sandra Farina said, “This is our once-a-year opportunity to share our year in review, present the planned budget for approval, and preview the activities and programs for this new and challenging year’. The meeting also allowed members to have questions answered and to hear from the elected officials who represent Humber River-Black Creek, including Tom Rakocevic, Member of the Provincial Parliament, Anthony Perruzza, Toronto Councillor Ward 7 and Steve Andrews - Metrolinx- Finch West LRT
Executive Director’s Year in Review 2023 Project Reports & 2024 Proposed Projects. The plans include capital improvements, Promotions for Emery Business, area security, business support, and advocacy dealing with all levels of Government, including programs, grants, and assistance.
Al Ruggero, project manager with the BIA, presented a comprehensive review of projects and work completion in 2022 and a look into the future for this year and beyond.
Of great interest, Steve Andrews, a senior manager with Metrolinx, presented an extensive review of the LRT completion and scheduled work and milestones to occur in 2024.
As one of the closing items, the 2024 BIA operating budget was unanimously approved by the voting members attending.
For more information about the Emery Village BIA, please visit:
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