A new bylaw provides standards for noise in the City of Toronto. This includes decibel limits and time restrictions for certain types of noise.
Use this quick reference to understand the different types of noise regulated by the bylaw. If you wish to review the exact wording in the bylaw, you can find it on the City of Toronto website.
Amplified soundAmplified sound is generally sound coming from a loudspeaker that amplifies music, voices or other sounds. This can include sounds from night clubs, bars, restaurants, cafes, patios or concerts.
The bylaw has limits for amplified sound levels, which are measured at the point the sound is heard.
Bylaw Enforcement Officers can measure the sound levels outside or inside your property and determine whether the sound levels are in compliance with regulations.
There are lower sound level limits within an indoor living area and at night.
Construction noiseClearly audible sound from the operation of equipment used in construction such as erection of new structures, repair, demolition, land clearing, excavating, laying of pipes, application of concrete, installation of equipment etc. are not allowed during prohibited hours:
Construction noise is not allowed from 7 p.m. overnight to 7 a.m. and not until 9 a.m. on Saturdays.
Clearly audible sound is also not allowed all day Sunday and statutory holidays.

Stationary sources
Stationary sources are devices that do not move from place to place. These types of devices include air conditioners, exhaust systems, fans and generators not used for construction operations. This does not include construction or transportation noise.
Sound levels from stationary sources cannot exceed the sound level limit set in the bylaw or the limit found in provincial noise pollution control guidelines.
This does not apply to sound from a stationary source that is in compliance with a provincial environmental compliance approval.
Unreasonable and persistent noise
Unreasonable noise is any noise that disturbs the peace, comfort or convenience of a reasonable person. Unreasonable noise does not include common household or workplace sounds such as noise from furniture being moved, children playing or people in conversation. Persistent noise is continuously heard for a period of 10 minutes or more or intermittently over a period of one hour or more.
Unreasonable and persistent noise is not allowed at any time. For more information, visit toronto.ca/noise
Read the bylaw at: toronto.ca/legdocs/municode/1184_591.pdf