Her parents take her on regular walks throughout the Emery neighbourhood.
On cooler days, they enjoy walking the Humber River recreational trail with her. They often meet up with other friends or family and, of course, other puppies on their outings.
During their walks they have encountered many mini and standard Schnauzers, but the giants are very rare.
Heidi is a giant amongst our tiny canine friends. We love you Heidi!
Gus is a wonderful five-year-old feline from the Humberlea area.
He is obviously pining (that looks like birch) for Christmas to come once again.
Don’t worry we are only four months away!

Rocky is a two year old English Bulldog who came out to partake in the Movie in the Park this past June at Joseph Bannon Park.
He loves his raw meat diet, and his fruits and veggies. He is well trained, and listens on command. He can distinguish a toy from a ball - If you ask him for a ball, he will get the ball, if you ask him for a toy, he will get the toy. He will bring it to you and loves to fetch. (Sounds like Rocky might have a career in upper corporate Toronto).
He’s very social with people, especially kids, and other dogs. He loves belly rubs ( who doesn’t?) and the outdoors.