By Tim Lambrinos
The upcoming public meeting being held as part of the Goods and Movement Study will be conducted on November 28 from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Julius Banquet Hall at 2201 Finch Ave. W. at Arrow Road.
Illustrative boards and maps will be on display, with an opportunity for the public to provide input on the study.
One of the main purposes for consultation is to address the need to maintain proper industrial transport trucking in Emery. The topic is of critical importance for maintaining business in the area and is at a pivotal stage of development.
An overall objective of the BIA is to see that the upcoming construction phase can be completed as quickly as possible. All while keeping Emery’s workers employed and allowing business to continue to move.
To more effectively submit the BIA’s position on these topics, the Emery Village BIA has partnered with Duke Heights BIA of nearby Keele Street. This partnership will provide broader input to officials in regard to the construction phase that is expected to occur with the laying of tracks for the Finch Avenue LRT.
The LRT is being designed to run rapid transit along Finch in a more efficient way. Once these transit lines have been completed, it will provide the area with added value to business and residential properties. As well, it’s important for workers to have improved access to transportation since Emery is designated provincially as an official Employment Zone. The designation means that businesses will be remain in Emery and therefore employment will remain as well.
What goes together with employment is the need for efficiency in the transport trucking industry. The BIA has created proposals that better identify traffic routes while the construction phase of the LRT is expected to occur. With improved communication, businesses can more effectively continue to operate while keeping potential delays to a minimum.
There are some solutions already identified in the BIA’s previous study. Items like having additional off-ramps with new lanes at Steeles and Hwy 400. Though, this concept might only be considered a long-term solution.
However, there are some other solutions already identified that can be requested for officials to do now. Things like requesting CN to increase the clearance height for the railway underpass at Ormont Drive between Toryork and Fenmar. Or, that long overdue improvements might finally be made at Toryork and Weston that would address current access difficulties. Or, requesting that appropriate officials establish a dedicated trucking route that will guarantee proper transport flow.
The BIA has already put forward many solutions to officials that should be implemented immediately, even prior to the beginning of the main construction phase. By and large, the BIA’s position has been how it can best keep businesses open by using up-to-date notifications about known delays caused by impending construction.
If you think that Emery’s businesses or residences are going to be impacted by the upcoming construction phase along Finch, attend this important meeting on November 28. It will be the last chance to identify whatever impacts could be associated with the upcoming construction. If they can be identified now, the BIA can propose solutions that might be implemented immediately.
So, if you have some vital thoughts on how to identify the area’s transport needs or if you just want to be kept up to speed about the LRT’s upcoming construction phase and timelines, attend this important public meeting and let your voice be heard.