I recently caught up with Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti to get his take on the current tax situation in Toronto.
There will be some people that say we need to increase budget spending to help continue to make Toronto a world class city. On the opposing side, many are passionate that the City’s spending needs to be reeled in and staff and council look at potential saving in the vast areas the City serves before jumping to raise taxes.
Emery Village is home to many Seniors that have resided here for decades, and they can’t afford any new taxes. Many are on fixed pensions, and along with them local businesses are struggling to keep up with things such as hydro and natural gas increases. At the Emery Village Voice we are not political, we are only lending a voice to our area.
“The Mayor needs to open his eyes and realize that he has made life too expensive in Toronto. Torontonians can’t afford any of his new taxes. While Toronto residents don’t mind paying their fair share to fund core city services, they do mind being taxed to their breaking point with having to pay for Mayor Tory and Premier Kathleen Wynne’s waste and mismanagement,” said Councillor Mammoliti when asked for his thoughts on tax increases. As you know this has been a huge issue and Councillor Mammoliti has been in the forefront fighting against these new taxes.
“Mayor Tory now has the chance to stand up for what is right and put an end to all of the other Tory Taxes, such as the Roof Tax and the Garbage Tax.
“Mayor Tory speaks of courage and unity, but making life increasingly unaffordable for hardworking families is uncourageous and divisive. My message to him is simple: take heed of the Wynne Government’s announcement, and stop making life even harder for our residents.
“When the new Roof Tax is implemented, it will cost industrial properties tens or hundreds of thousands a year, and as you know, we have the largest industrial area in Canada. It means that if the tax and spend socialists on council get their way, starting around 2019, taxpayers with a roof (hard surface) will be paying more taxes for a service that they already pay for.”
Currently taxpayers pay one charge for water and wastewater but staff is proposing that the City establish a dedicated storm water charge.
Councillor Mammoliti will be having a community meeting to inform, consult and give residents the opportunity to have their say before any decisions are made on these new proposed taxes.
The community meeting will be held on, Monday Feb. 13. It will begin at 7 p.m. and conclude at 9 p.m.
It will take place at The Julius Banquet Centre, 2201 Finch Ave West.
“Please plan to attend as this meeting is your opportunity to let City and Provincial officials hear what you have to say before any decisions are made.”
As Publisher of the Emery Village Voice, this sounds like democracy at its best. We all win when we are better able to understand the issues and voice our opinions.
Sean Delaney