By Sean Delaney
As Humber’s needs shift during the COVID-19 pandemic, some staff member roles have changed in response.
Humber River Hospital (HRH) has introduced Patient Family Liaisons (PFLs), who help patients and their families stay connected while visiting has been restricted. The PFLs are each responsible for a number of floors, where they visit patient rooms, showing patients how to use their Integrated Bedside Terminals for video chats, teaching them how to use the now-free WiFi, and assisting patients who require help connecting with their families by phone or Skype.
“Being a Patient Family Liaison was really special,” said Ida, who is regularly a Data Integrity Analyst at Humber. “I’ve had loved ones in the hospital in the past and it makes such a big difference just to know your family member is okay.”
Leaving her Data Integrity Analyst desk job to work on the frontline was a little scary, but Ida says she pushed aside her fears because people needed her. She connected a lot of families through Skype, and even helped one family plan a special physically-distanced celebration for their 67th wedding anniversary . Her role has since shifted again to data entry for Personal Protective Equipment.

(FAR LEFT: Ida is holding up the sign)
“Directly or indirectly, I think helping people is what I was meant to do,” she said.