By Sean Delaney
President of West Toronto United FC John Barbieri said the group is a not for profit community based house league program.
They run a non-competitive program all for fun, but also have a competitive side if parents and their children want to get to a higher level and play competitive.
Players can start as young as three years old, in what they term a micro program that is all about introducing the game and ensuring everyone enjoy the game.
“There’s no score, no referees. It’s all about fun,” Barbieri said.
House league registration is now open for 2020 with an early bird fixed price. They encourage everyone to take advantage of it as space is limited and many need to register early. With every registration players get a soccer ball, uniform, trophy, photo and year-end event.
A typical week, Barbieri said, will see teams enjoy a game and practice scheduled.
“Some coaches get more involved. they might like to take kids out for a second practice day, which we encourage,” Barbieri said.
Every now and then teams may experience a double-header weekend, but the president explained that would all have to do with how many teams and divisions they end up with.
Play is open to boys and girls, with coed play happening on many house-league teams. At the Under-8 level, Barbieri said, coaches will begin to scout kids showing off a talent for the game and bring them into more competitive play if they wish.
“From there, they start going up the ladder to the competitive program,” he said.
If you are interested in registration, you can visit the club website or call the office in person, Barbieri said.
The office is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.
You can find them at: 3100 Weston Road. In the Carmine Stefano Community Centre, #223 2nd Floor
Phone (416) 743-7976
Email: info@westtorontounited.com
Website: westtorontounited.com
Have fun, play safe.