Spider’s Jones Youth Empowerment Centre – Re-launch
We are so fortunate to have such a caring and passionate soul working on behalf of all the At-Risk-Kids in and around Emery Village. Thank you Spider Jones!
November 5 marked the grand re-launch of Spider’s Youth Empowerment Centre.
Much needed improvements have the youth centre invigorated and rejuvenated.
A new boxing ring is a main highlight along with a new floor, new air-conditioning, new computers and a fresh coat of paint has the place looking like new again.
Spider says “We have come a long way since our initial opening three years ago. Believe to Achieve deeply appreciates the compassion and generosity of Sentry Investments for their monumental support in making this project successful. You have made a profound difference in the lives of many underprivileged children. We are also proud to be partners with Greenwin Property management, thank you for all you’ve done. Without you this would never have happened. Also, on behalf of The Spider’s Web Youth Empowerment Center and The Believe to Achieve non-profit organization we thank the Emery Village BIA, the Board of Directors and Sandra Farina, the Executive Director and Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti for their tremendous generosity.”
Believe To Achieve is a registered non-profit foundation with a ‘mission’ to inspire ‘At-Risk-Kids’, students and troubled teens to remain in school and make achievement dreams a reality!