Got a hankering for a little two-wheel action?They aren't just the mode of transportation for the college student, the city dweller, or the yuppie anymore, although many will see they are certainly growing in popularity among the millennial set these days.
They are scooters, dirt bikes, ebikes, snowmobiles and if we're getting into more than a pair of tires, dunebuggies and ATVs. They are motorized options a new Emery business brings to the North York neighbourhood.
Tao Motors, a business celebrating just more than a year in Emery Village, is simply a proprietor of fun. We sell value products for recreational use for children in the form of gas ATVs, dirt bikes, and electric products of the same. A full line of electric scooters and bicycles.

We're doing mostly entry level products but we do sell some advanced electric scooters as well. They ship all over Canada, and can handle any of the terrain the Great White North can throw at a customer. But mostly, their customers want to get on the road, save the environment, or have some serious exciting times.
There are many reasons people can come in, said Ken Armstrong of Tao's sales department. It could be they don't have a driver's license, but they're over the age of 16 and want to get on the road. You can buy a scooter and helmet and get road legal almost instantly. Armstrong said the customer base is a variety.
Some are serious environmentalists who want to use no, or as little gas products as possible. And some can be people who have lost a driver's license for health reasons.But beyond the practical, is the excitement and roar possible under the hoods at Tao. Typically they see kids between five and 15, but as Armstrong also noted, fun doesn't have an age requirement. Some of our youth products are even sold to adults, he said. It will carry their weight and they can have just as much fun as the kids do.
Tao Motors is located at 170 Bartor Rd., Unit 1, North York.You can reach them at, (416) 749-6686 or visit: www.taomotor.ca