In May 2013 the Downsview Atom Select team was formed and began play in the North York Hockey League. It was put together with kids either cut from other teams, or looking for a shot at playing competitive hockey for the first time.
Early on the team displayed a drive to succeed that was unlike other teams.
They trained all summer on and off ice while other kids enjoyed the time off. They continued that work ethic well into the preseason, and began to bond. The hard work culminated into the Downsview Hockey Clubs very own tournament, called the Presidents Cup Challenge, which took place on the Jan 23-26, 2014 weekend. The team played three games in one day and won them all. The quest for the cup concluded with a 4-1 win in the final, on January 26 at Downsview Arena.
This is a tribute to a team filled with players others said were not ready. It is also proof that a community based Hockey Club like Downsview can develop, and turn out great home grown talent. Hard work, and never giving up can lead to success. Congratulations to the team, and thank you to the Downsview Hockey Club for all the support they have provided to make this possible!
Head Coach Phil Heim
Downsview Atom Select