By Sean Delaney
The following updates regarding the vaccination rollout are courtesy of Toronto City Councillor Anthony Perruzza’s office.
Remember, getting vaccinated is the best way to keep everyone safe.
Where can you get vaccinated?
Please check online or call the Councillor’s office (416-338-5335) for the most current age requirements applicable to each vaccination provider. The age groups expand depending on Provincial updates.
• City-Operated Immunization Clinics. The closest locations in our area are Carmine Stefano Community Centre, 3100 Weston Rd. and The Hangar, 74 Carl Hall Rd. (Downsview Park). Visit https://vaccineto.ca/land
ing or call 1-888-999-6488.
• Humber River Regional Hospital’s clinic located at Downsview Arena, 1633 Wilson Ave.
Visit https://www.hrh.ca/covax-clinic-booking or call 1-888-385-1910.
• You can also book appointments at select pharmacies with many new locations in our area, including the Shoppers Drug Mart at Finchdale Plaza.
Visit https://covid-19.ontario.ca/boo
k-vaccine/ for more locations or call 1-888-385-1910.
• Indigenous Residents can access the TKARONTO website for culturally informed and timely resources about vaccines and Indigenous-led clinics. Visit https://indigenousto.ca/c
• Please visit Councillor Perruzza’s website and social media pages for details about mobile pop-up clinics for those aged 18+ in specific postal codes. There are different locations throughout Humber River-Black Creek offering vaccines without appointments depending on daily supply updates.
How can I get a ride to my appointment?
The City's Vaccine Equity Transportation Plan helps Toronto seniors, those with disabilities, and immune-compromised adults get to and from vaccination appointments within Toronto.
To book a ride, contact:
1. Toronto Ride, https://www.torontoride.ca/ or call 416-481-5250
2.iRide, https://www.circleofcare.com/vaccinerides/ or call 1-844-474-3301
How can I get a translation?
The City's website can be translated via Google translate; just click on the white button available on each page. If you have questions about language options, you can also call Councillor Perruzza’s office, and figure out the best way to get a translation. The City's website also offers posters in many languages
What if I'm homebound?
If you are a homebound person receiving care through a Primary Care Provider, Family Health Team, Home Care or Community Support Service, please contact your provider to learn if they offer in-home vaccination. If your provider cannot provide at-home immunization, they will place your name on a list for at-home vaccination.
If you are a homebound person who does not have a Primary Care Provider, Family Health Team, Home Care, or Community Support Service, please contact the Toronto Seniors Helpline. This service supports homebound people who are aged 18-65, as well as seniors. Contact 416-217-2077 or utilize the web-chat feature at:
What if I'm an educator or school staffer?
Educators and school staff working in hotspots are now able to book appointments by calling 1-833-943-3900. You need to call to confirm eligibility.
You can call if you:
• Directly support students with special education needs in elementary/secondary schools anywhere in the province.
• Work in an elementary/secondary school in a designated hot spot in Toronto.
Call centre hours are 8 AM - 8 PM every day.
If you need assistance or clarification, you can always contact Councillor Perruzza’s office at: 416-338-5335
Or email: