By Sean Delaney
Every year, local businesses receive the news that with the passage of the City of Toronto’s annual budget, BIA members become eligible to apply for the Commercial Façade Improvement Program.
Many who become interested in making improvements to their building façade face deadlines that become difficult to meet in the wake of the growing popularity of the program. It is available to the 83 BIA’s in the city, including the Emery Village BIA.
Last year’s deadline in early May, produced a wait list of applications. Wait lists are processed as received until the money expires. For more information, please see the full page ad on page 4.
Feel free to contact Al Ruggero (416 -744 7242) at the Emery Village BIA office, email: al@emeryvillagebia.ca
Or visit the BIA web page: www.emeryvillagebia.ca