By Sean Delaney
I’m proud to say the Emery Village Voice is approaching its seventh anniversary.
We work hard to inform readers on topical issues and to help promote the abundance of local businesses operating in Emery. We believe that what we do is an essential job, especially as we face some tough times ahead.
The world continues to fight an unprecedented battle against COVID-19, and our thoughts are with those affected, here and around the world.
We can see how, in only just a few weeks, the world has changed its course. It was just a month ago that the Emery Village BIA was excited to be hosting its first ever Job Fair. High hopes abounded for the opportunity to connect our many businesses with just that right job seeker. Now, almost all public gatherings are cancelled. And that is just the start of similar cancellations and closings right across the board, including our schools.
Businesses small and large, employers and employees, are rightfully concerned about their future.
Governments at all levels are working hard to create financial assistance programs to help the many people affected.
The Emery Village Voice, in concert with the Emery Village BIA, will try to keep our many readers informed as best we can. Hopefully restaurants can do more take-out and retailers can create more online sales, as companies try to weather this enormous storm. We hope that most of our businesses bounce back quickly, the moment our economy starts to pick up again. And we hope that is sooner rather than later.
Please try and shop locally. It’s a theme that is just as important today, as it has ever been. And it’s not just about profit. It’s ultimately about employment and keeping our community members at work – as well as getting other fellow community members back to work.
The goods and services manufactured and supplied in Emery are part of a network of more than 2,700 industrial and commercial enterprises that employ an estimated 30,000 workers. Given the enormity of the situation it may seem of little solace, but we do wish that everyone stays healthy and enjoys a speedy recovery from this adversity.
From a community perspective, there is no more important time to reach out to your neighbours and see if they need assistance. A large group of retired and senior residents call Emery home.
Transit has always been an issue for seniors. Few grocery retailers exist within our 21 square kilometres. Thank you to the few that serve our area.
Please take the time to look in on your neighbours to make sure that they do not require any assistance or are low on essential items such as food and medications.
It’s been said many times that a crisis like this can bring out the best and worst of humanity.
Please do your part to help make Emery Village shine and be proud of the community that we call home.
Sean Delaney