April 2020

A caring community united in hope
By Tom Rakocevic and Sean Delaney I asked community stakeholders to keep an eye out for any sto...read more +

A message from TCDSB trustee Ida Li Preti
I pray that all of you are keeping safe and well during these challenging and unprecedented times....read more +
Councillor’s Corner - April 2020
Coronavirus COVID – 19 update The Coronavirus – COVID-19 has impacted all of us. Even as the weeks ...read more +

Emery’s V.P. Security
Tips for businesses shuttered during coronavirus pandemic By Sean Delaney The Emery Villag...read more +
Publisher's comment - April 2020
By Sean Delaney We’re one week closer to the end of this crisis. Canada and Ontario continue to ...read more +

Saying thanks to the HRH foundation and hospital staff
By Sean Delaney As Humber’s needs shift during the COVID-19 pandemic, some staff member roles h...read more +

A helpful hand for Emery businesses
Message concerning the current health crisis from the Emery BIA’s Board of Management. Greetin...read more +

A tradition of helping their neighbours in need
By Sean Delaney The North York Harvest Food Bank has been open since 1985. Although 35 years ag...read more +

Emery volunteers giving during pandemic
By Sean Delaney Brigette Contento is throwing caution to the wind and opening her home to the i...read more +
Executive Director's message - April 2020
Emery Village BIA is doing everything we can to support businesses during this pandemic. While there...read more +

Quantum Lifecycle
Scrap electronics recycling services continue to operate with social distancing and other measures i...read more +

Yesterday and Today - April 2020
By Tim Lambrinos Love at the wilderness hospital for sick children The natural beaut...read more +