February 2015

Connecting Emery Village
APTO Connect offers free trial to local businesses By Sean Delaney APTO Connect is a full se...read more +

Executive Director’s Message-Feb 2015
Celebrate the past in Emery Two days into the month of February is when we find out how long we m...read more +

Flag Day in Emery Village
It’s a Friday afternoon in 1964 when a note from Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson made its way to ...read more +

On November 14, 2013, the Emery Village BIA helped sponsor a black-tie boxing extravaganza at the Ju...read more +

Publisher’s Note - February 2015
A chilly Family Day in Emery Village, get ready for more of the same What’s a family to do? ...read more +

Yesterday and Today: Donovan Ruddock
Ruddock’s maturing ambition beyond belief By Tim Lanbrinos The Emery Village BIA Arts and ...read more +

Councillor’s Corner - Feb 2015
Dear Friends, This month I’d like to address with you the questions I hear about snow cl...read more +

February Celebrations
By Sayada Nabi Valentine’s Day is not the only time for celebration in February. This mon...read more +

Flowers say what words can’t
By Sayada Nabi Frank Latartara wakes up to the sound of his alarm, which goes off be...read more +

Making a Difference with Youth
By Pastor Jon Sarpong Are you looking for a safe and entertaining environment for you...read more +

The importance of having a plan(ner)
By John Colautti Businesses don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan In last month’s editio...read more +

The Real McCoy
The story behind George McKenzie Court By Sean Delaney While he’s known for his bright smil...read more +