April 2021

A message from TCDSB Ward 3 trustee Ida Li Preti
This year has been particularly challenging for many of you. As we navigate this difficult time of u...read more +

Easter in the park a sense of normalcy amid a pandemic
By Sean Delaney Easter is a time for celebration and for everyone to join together and enjoy a se...read more +

Emery Village BIA - April 2021
Executive Director's message Hello everyone, First, I hope you and your loved ones are he...read more +

Federal budget an opportunity to rebuild, MP Judy Sgro
Dear Neighbours, We have marked over a year since COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic. Like m...read more +

Luxor continues in its award winning ways
By Sean Delaney In 2020, Luxor Homes won the prestigious BILD award, honouring the finest custom...read more +

Planning makes perfect in Emery
By Al Ruggero Evidence that the construction of the Finch West LRT is well underway is not news ...read more +

Spill sees BIA security in action
On the morning of April 14, a cloud of orange smoke closed Hwy 400 in both directions. Just after 11...read more +

Vaccines success stories inject hope
By Sean Delaney Sometimes, it takes an army to save a community. On April 14th, the City of T...read more +

Councillor's Corner - April 2021
Dear Resident, The third wave of COVID-19 has been hard for many of us, and the vaccination rollo...read more +

Emery BIA awarded for innovation
By Sean Delaney The Emery Village BIA was recently awarded the $25,000 Innovation Fund. The award...read more +

Equity, planning and strategy in leadership
We are in the midst of a generational crisis, one that we cannot speak to from a position of previou...read more +

June is Seniors' Month in Ontario
A perfect time to honour the giants whose shoulders you stood on By Sean Delaney In the prov...read more +

Our own Emery Village plaza
By Sean Delaney If you haven’t visited Emery’s newest outdoor strip mall, do yourself a favour ...read more +

Shift to a transmission shop you can trust
By Sean Delaney Ralph Razack and his Powershift Transmissions shop came to Emery Village due to e...read more +

The Emery Village Voice vaccine central
By Sean Delaney The following updates regarding the vaccination rollout are courtesy of Toront...read more +

Yesterday and Today - April 2021
By Tim Lambrinos A solid foundation of music exists in Emery Village. It spawned many fabulous ...read more +