February 2019

Councillor's Corner - Feb 2019
With heavy rainfall happening far more frequently, a noticeable weight has been placed on our olde...read more +
Executive Director's Message - Feb 2019
Emery Village Business Improvement Area‘s mandate is to represent, promote and foster success in our...read more +

Heightening security and service at EPI
By Sean Delaney A change in management and a growth focus and EPI Fire Protection & Security ha...read more +

On the move in Emery
Great transit is just around the corner By Sean Delaney The Emery Village Voice will now ...read more +

Weston Care Pharmacy
By Sean Delaney Weston Care Pharmacy came to the Emery Village area in March, 2018. Pharmac...read more +

Emery salutes its best: Mike Verrelli
By Sean Delaney Michael Verrelli, who is a real estate agent serving the Emery area, exemplif...read more +

Exploring the foundations of a leader
By Tim Lambrinos Back in 1962, one lingering fragment of Richard Storer’s apple orchard, busine...read more +

It’s a go - Make Your Future 2 (MYF2)
By Sean Delaney Make Your Future 2 (MYF2) will happen on April 25th at Westview Centennial Seco...read more +

The TTC Woodbridge bus
By Claudio D'Intino Bus service from Weston to Woodbridge has been ongoing since the 1920's, es...read more +