July 2015

A family affair: LEDA furniture
By Sean Delaney “He was born in the generation where if you’re awake, you do something.” LEDA ...read more +

Emery Movie in the Park
The Movies in the Park are quickly becoming a summer tradition in Emery Village. Gaining conside...read more +

Productivity and the science of music - a catchy tune
John@Johncolautti.com I found the secret to productivity that can make money. Like most people...read more +

Thank you for your attendance
As a board member, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude and say thank you...read more +

On Saturday, September 12th, the Emery Village BIA is hosting its third annual celebration, the Food...read more +

Councillor’s Corner - July 2015
Dear Friends, As the summer season is finally upon us and in full swing, I hope you all have ha...read more +

Emery Clean and Green: The Humber River
By Sean Delaney I am excited to announce that commencing next month we will dedicate a monthly ...read more +
Executive Director’s Message-July 2014
It is official that summer has finally arrived. School is out and Emery Village had its first “Movi...read more +

Sheltering Emery Village
By Sean Delaney Joe DiBratto started in roofing in 1987, working with Dufferin roofing in the E...read more +

Toronto Police 31 Division Alert
Distraction Thefts There has been a marked increase of “Distraction Thefts” being reported...read more +

Yesterday and Today: River Bend & Rowntree Mills Park
By the 1850’s, Humber Summit was a thriving farming and milling town located at Islington and St...read more +