January 2020

A STEP to Construction education
By Sean Delaney The STEP to Construction program started 15 years ago with one student and one ...read more +

Councillor's Corner - Jan 2020
Welcoming 2020 Together On Sunday, January 12 I held a joint New Year’s Levee with MPP Tom Rako...read more +

Finch West LRT construction update
By Sean Delaney The Finch West Light Rail Transit (LRT) project is under construction. The ...read more +

Putting a little Solé in ceramic tile
By Sean Delaney The Emery Village Voice spoke with Solé Ceramic Tile owner Charlie Adamo to ask...read more +

Spotlight: Auto Repair
Emery’s best working for you By Sean Delaney Although owning a car can provide an owner with...read more +

The purest of the pure
By Sean Delaney Puro Specialty Foods: Puro Artigianale, the manufacturers of Olio Puro, is a ...read more +

Working together for a better community
By Sean Delaney The Emery Village BIA recently held its 17th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Ja...read more +

A team approach to 2020 levee celebrations
By Sean Delaney MPP Tom Rakocevic and Councillor Anthony Purruzza held their first ever New Yea...read more +
Executive Director's Message-Jan 2020
This past month, the Emery Village BIA held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) to review the work done...read more +

Judy Sgro’s locally run office
By Tim Lambrinos The business owners, home owners and residents of Humber River – Black Creek a...read more +

Soccer season starts
By Sean Delaney President of West Toronto United FC John Barbieri said the group is a not for p...read more +

TA clears all your appliance needs
By Sean Delaney TA Appliances & Barbecues is a one-stop-shop for appliance needs in Emery and a...read more +

Toronto grants for building upgrades go fast, don’t miss out in 2020
By Sean Delaney Every year, local businesses receive the news that with the passage of the City...read more +

Yesterday and Today: Torbarrie's
Torbarrie’s compensation hospital By Tim Lambrinos When accidents or injuries occur at work,...read more +